Sunday, 10 January 2021

New Year, New Me(-ish)

Guess who got a walking stick?! (Spoiler alert: it's me.)

For a long time, I was scared that getting a stick would mean I’m “letting my disability win” – but then I realised just how ridiculous that is. I would never think that of anybody else, so why would I believe that about myself? By getting a stick, I’m doing the *opposite* of letting my disability "win". Mobility aids are empowering. They don’t make you more disabled; they make you more able. And although I know my disability doesn’t make me a lesser person, living a life with limits is, undeniably, pretty hard at times. This stick will help me break down some of those barriers. It doesn’t change who I am. In fact, it gives me back some of the freedom and independence that I used to have.

I should admit that I struggle with the word 'disability' sometimes – but not because I think it’s a bad word. I don’t think it’s restrictive; I think it’s freeing. Acknowledging that you have certain limitations allows you to get the support that you need to live your life with less limits.

My struggle with the word 'disability' is that I often don’t feel “disabled enough” to call my difficulties 'disabilities', to be a valid member of the disability community, or to use mobility aids. I have what's known as a dynamic disability. In other words, my ability fluctuates. There are days where I can function with a lot less trouble. It might be tougher, more painful and put more strain on my body than the average person’s, but to an outsider, I look fine. But there are also days where I struggle to get out of bed, my legs won’t co-operate, I can’t keep up with anybody... Sometimes, I lose my stamina altogether. I can’t walk for as long as I used to, or as easily, quickly or strongly. So why not use some extra help when I need it? Many people with mobility aids don’t need them all the time, but that doesn’t make the times that they do need them any less valid.

After one tricky day out too many, I finally decided to get myself a cool, floral walking stick from (Sticks can be an aid AND a cute accessory, after all – right?!) I won’t use it all the time and I don’t know whether there’ll come a time when I don’t need it anymore, because I don’t know what the future holds for me. But for now, I know that – thanks to my stick – my future holds less difficulties and more freedom… and I’m SO excited about that.


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